
The PCI SSC Newsroom is the place for news and announcements from the PCI Security Standards Council.

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Threat Center

Criminals use malicious software to infiltrate a computer system and steal payment data. Ransomware is the fastest growing malware threat.

Phishing emails are a common delivery vehicle for malware. These emails look legitimate, such as an invoice or electronic fax, but they include malicious links and/or attachments that can infect your computer and system.

Criminals can gain access to your systems that store, process, or transmit payment data through weak remote access controls. Remote access may be used by your payment terminal vendors, for example, to provide support to your terminal or to provide a software update.

More than 80% of data breaches involve stolen/or weak passwords. *Verizon 2017 DBIR

Criminals look for outdated software to exploit flaws in unpatched systems.

Criminals attach small hardware "skimming devices" to card readers which can sweep customer payment data when they use payment cards at your store. Criminals use the stolen data to create counterfeit cards and make illegal purchases.

Meet the PCI SSC Communications Team

Senior Vice President, Education & Engagement Officer

Director, Communications and Public Relations

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