PCI Recognized Laboratories

All PCI Recognized Laboratories (PTS tab below) are recognized by PCI SSC to perform security evaluations using the PCI PTS Standards (HSM and POI). Some are additionally recognized to perform evaluations using the PCI SPoC, PCI CPoC and/or PCI 3DS SDK Standards, as indicated by the applicable tabs below.

Vendors are encouraged to contact a PCI Recognized Laboratory directly regarding evaluations and any associated fees. All testing-related fees and dates are negotiated between the vendor and laboratory and the vendor pays all fees directly to the laboratory.

Compliance of a given Product or Solution with a PCI Standard is determined SOLELY by the applicable PCI Recognized Laboratory based upon their assessment or evaluation of the Product or Solution, as documented in a corresponding validation report prepared by that laboratory. Although PCI SSC reviews such reports for quality assurance purposes, PCI SSC does not independently confirm the determinations, findings or information contained in reports and does not perform any testing or analysis of the corresponding Product or Solution, or related functionality, performance, suitability, or compliance with the applicable Standard.

PCI Recognized Laboratories


PCI SSC qualifies PTS Labs to assess devices for compliance with the PCI PTS Standards (HSM and POI).
For further information please consult the PCI PTS Device Testing and Approval Program Guide, available in the Document Library.

Applus Laboratories
Contact: Guillem Ernest Malagarriga Vilella
Phone: +34 618 868 054
Fax: +34 935 672 001
Email: itlabs@applus.com
Applus Laboratories
Campus UAB,
Ronda de la Font del Carme, s/n,
Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193, Spain
Website: www.appluslaboratories.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co. LTD
Contact: Olina Wang
Phone: +86 10 8113 1626 / 1627
Email: wang.f@bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co., Ltd. (Bank Card Test Center)
Building 18, No.30 Shixing Street,
Shijingshan Science Park, 100070 Beijing, China
Website: www.bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co. LTD - Shenzhen Branch
Contact: Lorna Liu (Shenzhen)
Phone: +86 755 36996905 (Shenzhen)
Email: liuna@bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co., Ltd. (Bank Card Test Center) Shenzhen Branch*
9F, Building 5, Next Park, No.136 Zhongkang Road,
Meilin Street, Futian District,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518049, China
Website: www.bctest.com
Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH
Contact: Peter Klein
Phone: +49 (0)228 181-49920
Fax: +49 (0)228 811-49992
Email: Peter.Klein02@telekom.de
Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH
Bonner Talweg 100
53113 Bonn, Germany
Website: http://www.t-systems.com/ict-security
EWA-Canada Limited
Contact: Wayne Stewart or Paula Peng (China)
Phone: +1 613.230.6067, +86 21 61278565
Fax: +1 613.230.4933
Email: pcilab@ewa-canada.com
Electronic Warfare Associates-Canada,
Ltd. dba EWA-Canada
1223 Michael Street North, Suite 200
Ottawa, Ontario K1J 7T2, Canada
Website: https://www.intertek.com/cybersecurity
Riscure B.V.
Contact: Hanna Humenyuk
Phone: +31 (0)15 251 4090
Email: hanna.humenyuk@keysight.com
Email: riscuresolutions@keysight.com
Keysight Technologies Netherlands Riscure B.V.
Delftechpark 49, 2628 XJ
Delft, The Netherlands
Website: https://www.keysight.com/
SERMA Safety and Security
Contact: Emmanuel Marie
Phone: +33 (0)5 57 26 08 88
Fax: +33 (0)5 57 26 08 98
Email: e.marie@serma.com
SERMA Safety and Security
14, Rue Galilée - CS10071
333608 PESSAC Cedex, France
Website: www.serma-safety-security.com
SGS Brightsight BV
Contact: Rob van Marrewijk (rob.vanmarrewijk@sgs.com)
Xiaolei Huang (Xiaolei.Winson-Huang@sgs.com) Asia region
Phone: +31 15 269 2500
Fax: +31 15 269 2555
Email: brs.sales@sgs.com

Brightsight B.V.
Brassersplein 2, 2612 CT
Delft, The Netherlands
Website: www.sgsbrightsight.com
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Contact: Oliver Borcherding & Ho-Yeon Kim
Phone: +49 228 2806 100
Fax: +49 228 2806 199
Email: sales@src-gmbh.de
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Emil-Nolde-Str. 7
53113 Bonn, Germany
Website: www.src-gmbh.de
UL Transaction Security PTY Ltd.
Contact: Mark Reed
Phone; +61 3 9846 2751
Contact: UL.PCI@ul.com
UL Melbourne Email: mark.reed@ul.com
UL Transaction Security PTY LTD
Level 7 / 277 William Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia
Website: https://www.ul.com/
Contact: Hiren Patel or Julie Miller
Phone: +44 (0) 1256 312000
Fax: +44 (0) 1256 312001
Email: hiren.patel@ul.com & Julie.miller@ul.com
UL VS Limited
Units 1-4 Horizon, Wade Road, Kingsland Business Park
Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8AH, United Kingdom
Website: https://ims.ul.com/
UL Verification Services (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd
Contact: Ivy Wu
Contact: UL.PCI@ul.com
UL China Email: ivy.x.wu@ul.com
UL Verification Services (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.*
Room 101,201,301,501,502,503, Building A1
Nansha Science and Technology Innovation Center
No. 25, South Huanshi Avenue
Nansha District, Guangzhou 511458, China
Website: https://www.ul.com/


PCI SSC qualifies SPoC Labs to assess solutions for compliance with the PCI SPoC Standard.
For further information please consult the PCI SPoC Program Guide, available in the Document Library.

Applus Laboratories
Contact: Guillem Ernest Malagarriga Vilella
Phone: +34 618 868 054
Fax: +34 935 672 001
Email: itlabs@applus.com
Applus Laboratories
Campus UAB,
Ronda de la Font del Carme, s/n,
Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193, Spain
Website: www.appluslaboratories.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co. LTD
Contact: Olina Wang (Beijing) or Lorna Liu (Shenzhen)
Phone: +86 10 8113 1626 / 1627 (Beijing) | +86 755 36996905 (Shenzhen)
Email: wang.f@bctest.com | liuna@bctest.com

Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co., Ltd. (Bank Card Test Center)
Building 18, No.30 Shixing Street,
Shijingshan Science Park, 100070 Beijing, China
Website: www.bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co. LTD - Shenzhen Branch
Contact: Olina Wang (Beijing) or Lorna Liu (Shenzhen)
Phone: +86 10 8113 1626 / 1627 (Beijing) | +86 755 36996905 (Shenzhen)
Email: wang.f@bctest.com | liuna@bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co., Ltd.
(Bank Card Test Center) Shenzhen Branch*
9F, Building 5, Next Park, No.136 Zhongkang Road,
Meilin Street, Futian District,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518049, China
Website: www.bctest.com
EWA-Canada Limited
Contact: Wayne Stewart or Paula Peng (China)
Phone: +1 613.230.6067, +86 21 61278565
Fax: +1 613.230.4933
Email: pcilab@ewa-canada.com

Electronic Warfare Associates-Canada,
Ltd. dba EWA-Canada
1223 Michael Street North, Suite 200
Ottawa, Ontario K1J 7T2, Canada
Website: https://www.intertek.com/cybersecurity
Riscure B.V.
Contact: Hanna Humenyuk
Phone: +31 (0)15 251 4090
Email: hanna.humenyuk@keysight.com
Email: riscuresolutions@keysight.com
Keysight Technologies Netherlands Riscure B.V.
Delftechpark 49, 2628 XJ
Delft, The Netherlands
Website: https://www.keysight.com/
SERMA Safety and Security
Contact: Emmanuel Marie
Phone: +33 (0)5 57 26 08 88
Fax: +33 (0)5 57 26 08 98
Email: e.marie@serma.com
SERMA Safety and Security
14, Rue Galilée - CS10071
333608 PESSAC Cedex, France
Website: www.serma-safety-security.com
SGS Brightsight BV
Contact: Rob van Marrewijk (rob.vanmarrewijk@sgs.com)
Xiaolei Huang (Xiaolei.Winson-Huang@sgs.com) Asia region
Phone: +31 15 269 2500
Fax: +31 15 269 2555
Email: brs.sales@sgs.com

Brightsight B.V.
Brassersplein 2, 2612 CT
Delft, The Netherlands
Website: www.sgsbrightsight.com
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Contact: Oliver Borcherding & Ho-Yeon Kim
Phone: +49 228 2806 100
Fax: +49 228 2806 199
Email: sales@src-gmbh.de
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Emil-Nolde-Str. 7
53113 Bonn, Germany
Website: www.src-gmbh.de
UL Transaction Security PTY Ltd.
Contact: Mark Reed & Ivy Wu
Phone: +61 3 9846 2751
Contact: UL.PCI@ul.com
UL Melbourne Email: mark.reed@ul.com
UL China Email: ivy.x.wu@ul.com
UL Transaction Security PTY LTD
Level 7 / 277 William Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia
Website: https://www.ul.com/
Contact: Hiren Patel or Julie Miller
Phone: +44 (0) 1256 312000
Fax: +44 (0) 1256 312001
Email: hiren.patel@ul.com & Julie.miller@ul.com
UL VS Limited
Units 1-4 Horizon, Wade Road, Kingsland Business Park
Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8AH, United Kingdom
Website: https://ims.ul.com/
UL Verification Services (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd
Contact: Mark Reed & Ivy Wu
Phone: +61 3 9846 2751
Contact: UL.PCI@ul.com
UL Melbourne Email : mark.reed@ul.com
UL China Email: ivy.x.wu@ul.com
UL Verification Services (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd*
Room 101,201,301,501,502,503, Building A1
Nansha Science and Technology Innovation Center
No. 25, South Huanshi Avenue
Nansha District, Guangzhou 511458, China
Website: https://www.ul.com/


PCI SSC qualifies CPoC Labs to assess solutions for compliance with the PCI CPoC Standard.
For further information please consult the PCI CPoC Program Guide, available in the Document Library.

Applus Laboratories
Contact: Guillem Ernest Malagarriga Vilella
Phone: +34 618 868 054
Fax: +34 935 672 001
Email: itlabs@applus.com
Applus Laboratories
Campus UAB,
Ronda de la Font del Carme, s/n,
Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193, Spain
Website: www.appluslaboratories.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co. LTD
Contact: Olina Wang (Beijing) or Lorna Liu (Shenzhen)
Phone: +86 10 8113 1626 / 1627 (Beijing) | +86 755 36996905 (Shenzhen)
Email: wang.f@bctest.com | liuna@bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co., Ltd. (Bank Card Test Center)
Building 18, No.30 Shixing Street,
Shijingshan Science Park, 100070 Beijing, China
Website: www.bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co. LTD - Shenzhen Branch
Contact: Olina Wang (Beijing) or Lorna Liu (Shenzhen)
Phone: +86 10 8113 1626 / 1627 (Beijing) | +86 755 36996905 (Shenzhen)
Email: wang.f@bctest.com | liuna@bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co., Ltd.
(Bank Card Test Center) Shenzhen Branch*
9F, Building 5, Next Park, No.136 Zhongkang Road,
Meilin Street, Futian District,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518049, China
Website: www.bctest.com
EWA-Canada Limited
Contact: Wayne Stewart or Paula Peng (China)
Phone: +1 613.230.6067, +86 21 61278565
Fax: +1 613.230.4933
Email: pcilab@ewa-canada.com
Electronic Warfare Associates-Canada,
Ltd. dba EWA-Canada
1223 Michael Street North, Suite 200
Ottawa, Ontario K1J 7T2, Canada
Website: https://www.intertek.com/cybersecurity
Riscure B.V.
Contact: Hanna Humenyuk
Phone: +31 (0)15 251 4090
Email: hanna.humenyuk@keysight.com
Email: riscuresolutions@keysight.com
Keysight Technologies Netherlands Riscure B.V.
Delftechpark 49, 2628 XJ
Delft, The Netherlands
Website: https://www.keysight.com/
SERMA Safety and Security
Contact: Emmanuel Marie
Phone: +33 (0)5 57 26 08 88
Fax: +33 (0)5 57 26 08 98
Email: e.marie@serma.com
SERMA Safety and Security
14, Rue Galilée - CS10071
333608 PESSAC Cedex, France
Website: www.serma-safety-security.com
SGS Brightsight BV
Contact: Rob van Marrewijk (rob.vanmarrewijk@sgs.com)
Xiaolei Huang (Xiaolei.Winson-Huang@sgs.com) Asia region
Phone: +31 15 269 2500
Fax: +31 15 269 2555
Email: brs.sales@sgs.com
SGS Brightsight B.V.
Brassersplein 2, 2612 CT
Delft, The Netherlands
Website: www.sgsbrightsight.com
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Contact: Oliver Borcherding & Ho-Yeon Kim
Phone: +49 228 2806 100
Fax: +49 228 2806 199
Email: sales@src-gmbh.de

SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Emil-Nolde-Str. 7
53113 Bonn, Germany
Website: www.src-gmbh.de
UL Transaction Security PTY Ltd.
Contact: Mark Reed
Phone: +61 3 9846 2751
Contact: UL.PCI@ul.com
UL Melbourne Email: mark.reed@ul.com
UL Transaction Security PTY LTD
Level 7 / 277 William Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia
Website: https://www.ul.com/
Contact: Hiren Patel or Julie Miller
Phone: +44 (0) 1256 312000
Fax: +44 (0) 1256 312001
Email: hiren.patel@ul.com & Julie.miller@ul.com

UL VS Limited
Units 1-4 Horizon, Wade Road, Kingsland Business Park
Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8AH, United Kingdom
Website: https://ims.ul.com/
UL Verification Services (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd
Contact: Mark Reed & Ivy Wu
Phone: 61 3 9846 2751
Contact: UL.PCI@ul.com
UL Melbourne Email: mark.reed@ul.com
UL China Email: ivy.x.wu@ul.com
UL Verification Services (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd*
Room 101,201,301,501,502,503, Building A1
Nansha Science and Technology Innovation Center
No. 25, South Huanshi Avenue
Nansha District, Guangzhou 511458, China
Website: https://www.ul.com/


PCI SSC qualifies 3DS SDK Labs to assess 3DS SDKs for compliance with the PCI 3DS SDK Security Standard.
For further information please consult the PCI 3DS Software Development Kit Program Guide, available in the Document Library.

SERMA Safety and Security
Contact: Emmanuel Marie
Phone: +33 (0)5 57 26 08 88
Fax: +33 (0)5 57 26 08 98
Email: e.marie@serma.com
SERMA Safety and Security
14, Rue Galilée - CS10071
333608 PESSAC Cedex, France
Website: www.serma-safety-security.com
SGS Brightsight BV
Contact: Rob van Marrewijk (rob.vanmarrewijk@sgs.com)
Xiaolei Huang (Xiaolei.Winson-Huang@sgs.com) Asia region
Phone: +31 15 269 2500
Fax: +31 15 269 2555
Email: brs.sales@sgs.com
SGS Brightsight B.V.
Brassersplein 2, 2612 CT
Delft, The Netherlands
Website: www.sgsbrightsight.com
Contact: Hiren Patel or Julie Miller
Phone: +44 (0) 1256 312000
Fax: +44 (0) 1256 312001
Email: vhiren.patel@ul.com & Julie.miller@ul.com
UL VS Limited
Units 1-4 Horizon, Wade Road, Kingsland Business Park
Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8AH, United Kingdom
Website: https://ims.ul.com/


PCI SSC qualifies MPoC Labs to assess solutions for compliance with the PCI MPoC Standard.
For further information please consult the PCI MPoC Program Guide, available in the Document Library.

Applus Laboratories
Contact: Guillem Ernest Malagarriga Vilella
Phone: +34 618 868 054
Fax: +34 935 672 001
Email: itlabs@applus.com
Website: www.appluslaboratories.com
Applus Laboratories
Campus UAB,
Ronda de la Font del Carme, s/n,
Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193, Spain
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co. LTD
Contact: Olina Wang (Beijing) or Lorna Liu (Shenzhen)
Phone: +86 10 8113 1626 / 1627 (Beijing) | +86 755 36996905 (Shenzhen)
Email: wang.f@bctest.com | liuna@bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co., Ltd. (Bank Card Test Center)
Building 18, No.30 Shixing Street,
Shijingshan Science Park, 100070 Beijing, China
Website: www.bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co. LTD - Shenzhen Branch
Contact: Olina Wang (Beijing) or Lorna Liu (Shenzhen)
Phone: +86 10 8113 1626 / 1627 (Beijing) | +86 755 36996905 (Shenzhen)
Email: wang.f@bctest.com | liuna@bctest.com
Beijing Unionpay Card Technology Co., Ltd.
(Bank Card Test Center) Shenzhen Branch*
9F, Building 5, Next Park, No.136 Zhongkang Road,
Meilin Street, Futian District,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518049, China
Website: www.bctest.com
EWA-Canada Limited
Contact: Wayne Stewart or Paula Peng (China)
Phone: +1 613.230.6067, +86 21 61278565
Fax: +1 613.230.4933
Email: pcilab@ewa-canada.com
Electronic Warfare Associates-Canada,
Ltd. dba EWA-Canada
1223 Michael Street North, Suite 200
Ottawa, Ontario K1J 7T2, Canada
Website: https://www.intertek.com/cybersecurity
Riscure B.V.
Contact: Hanna Humenyuk
Phone: +31 (0)15 251 4090
Email: hanna.humenyuk@keysight.com
Email: riscuresolutions@keysight.com
Keysight Technologies Netherlands Riscure B.V.
Delftechpark 49, 2628 XJ
Delft, The Netherlands
Website: https://www.keysight.com/
SERMA Safety and Security
Contact: Emmanuel Marie
Phone: +33 (0)5 57 26 08 88
Fax: +33 (0)5 57 26 08 98
Email: e.marie@serma.com
SERMA Safety and Security
14, Rue Galilée - CS10071
333608 PESSAC Cedex, France
Website: www.serma-safety-security.com
SGS Brightsight BV
Contact: Rob van Marrewijk (rob.vanmarrewijk@sgs.com)
Xiaolei Huang (Xiaolei.Winson-Huang@sgs.com) Asia region
Phone: +31 15 269 2500
Fax: +31 15 269 2555
Email: brs.sales@sgs.com
SGS Brightsight B.V.
Brassersplein 2, 2612 CT
Delft, The Netherlands
Website: www.sgsbrightsight.com
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Contact: Oliver Borcherding & Ho-Yeon Kim
Phone: +49 228 2806 100
Fax: +49 228 2806 199
Email: sales@src-gmbh.de
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Emil-Nolde-Str. 7
53113 Bonn, Germany
Website: www.src-gmbh.de
UL Transaction Security PTY Ltd.
Contact: Mark Reed & Ivy Wu
Phone: +61 3 9846 2751
Contact: UL.PCI@ul.com
UL Melbourne Email: mark.reed@ul.com
UL China Email: ivy.x.wu@ul.com
UL Transaction Security PTY LTD
Level 7 / 277 William Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia
Website: https://www.ul.com/
Contact: Hiren Patel or Julie Miller
Phone: +44 (0) 1256 312000
Fax: +44 (0) 1256 312001
Email: vhiren.patel@ul.com & Julie.miller@ul.com
UL VS Limited
Units 1-4 Horizon, Wade Road, Kingsland Business Park
Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8AH, United Kingdom
Website: https://ims.ul.com/
UL Verification Services (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd
Contact: Mark Reed & Ivy Wu
Phone: +61 3 9846 2751
Contact: UL.PCI@ul.com
UL Melbourne Email: mark.reed@ul.com
UL China Email: ivy.x.wu@ul.com
UL Verification Services (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd*
Room 101,201,301,501,502,503, Building A1
Nansha Science and Technology Innovation Center
No. 25, South Huanshi Avenue
Nansha District, Guangzhou 511458, China
Website: https://www.ul.com/

* Secondary Location