Frequently Asked Question

Can a PFI Company perform subsequent PFI investigations for the same entity?

PFI Companies must adhere to the independence requirements of the PFI program as defined in the PFI Qualification Requirements and PFI Program Guide. Whether a PFI Company can conduct a PFI investigation more than once on the same entity will depend on circumstance. For example; if during an investigation the PFI Company carried out work which impacted the PCI DSS compliance status of the entity, and the entity subsequently identifies or suspects a breach, that PFI Company may not be able to satisfy the independence requirements for a subsequent investigation.

Each payment brand has their own rules when a PFI must be engaged, and merchants should consult their compliance-accepting entity (acquirer and/or the payment brands) concerning any issues which may influence a PFI Company's ability to perform an independent investigation, including instances where there is continuation of breach/re-breach after a PFI Final Report has been issued.'

Payment brand contact details are provided in FAQ #1142  How do I contact the payment card brands?

August 2024
Article Number: 1444

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