Frequently Asked Question

For P2PE Requirement 3B-5, is it the responsibility of the solution provider to "push" patches to all affected POI devices, or is it sufficient for them to make it available for download and advise the merchant how to download and install the patches?

This is a Technical FAQ for P2PE versions 1.x. This is a "normative" FAQ that is considered to be part of the P2PE requirements and shall be considered during a P2PE assessment in the same light as the published P2PE standard. These technical FAQs are also published together in "Technical FAQs for use with P2PE Versions 1.x" available in the Documents Library of this website.

In a P2PE solution, the solution provider is responsible for managing the application, including the deployment of application updates. Solution providers should work with their merchants to schedule updates at appropriate times—for example, the solution provider could make the patch available, provide instructions for the merchant on how to trigger the update process, and notify merchants that the patch needs to be installed within a defined period of time. If the patch is not installed during this required timeframe, the provider may need to follow-up with merchant to ensure the application is updated. Alternatively, the solution provider may push the patch to devices at a time that is pre-agreed with the merchant. Whatever process the solution provider uses to manage the update process, they are ultimately responsible for ensuring that P2PE applications are kept up-to-date with required patches and security updates.
December 2015
Article Number: 1351

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