Frequently Asked Question

What is a P2PE component?

This FAQ applies to P2PE v2.0.

A P2PE component is a service assessed to a specific set of P2PE requirements and that results in a P2PE component provider listing on the PCI SSC website. Component providers offer their services on behalf of other P2PE solution providers, intended for use in P2PE solutions.
The following P2PE component providers can be separately assessed and PCI-listed:

  • Encryption-management entity — See Encryption-management service
  • Decryption-management entity — See Decryption-management service
  • Key-injection facilities (KIF) — See Key-injection facility service
  • Certification Authorities/Registration Authorities (CA/RA) — See Certification Authority/Registration Authority service.

Note that P2PE components are NOT P2PE solutions. 

June 2016
Article Number: 1337

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